Sunday, August 21, 2011


                                First time eating a Popsicle.  Not too sure what to think....

Yep...just as I suspected...He loves it!

                                                        Look Daddy!  BIRDS!!!

                                                               Our Remster
                    Random Pee Pee shot...Yes, in the woods.  Hey, At least its not in his pants!

 This child could play play-doh with Nana for HOURS upon HOURS!

                                                   Wearing my "noggles" in the tub

                                                             Snuggle time!

                                       Play time in the sprinklers on a hot summer day!
                                                                 WTH? LOL


BuTTERfly KissES

My Mom and I took Noah to the Homosassa Butterfly garden.  It was so much fun to see how Noah got so into it! First we watched a short movie about the life of a butterfly...from Caterpillar to the spread of the wings.  Then, we actually got to see and hold the caterpillars in each stage of their the end we got a handful of butterfly's to release in the Garden. Noah was truly amazed.  He is defiantly all boy...and defiantly LOVES nature.  Just like his Dad!!!

                                           Watching the life of a Butterfly with Nana



My Daddy!

I was asked to place a ribbon on my Dad's neck during a next degree ceremony with the Knights of Columbus. It was a very special moment in my Dad's life...and I was honored to be a part of it! I am so proud that he is my Dad.  His faith in God and constant willingness to help others is amazing. A person that I've always and will continue to look up to! Here are a few pictures of the momentous occasion.

I love you Daddy!

My Grandparents received an award for the "Family of the Month" for their dedication to the Knights of Columbus and the community.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Welcome to the world Madelyn Brooke!

Our niece was born yesterday!  Congrats to Mark and Brooke.  That little 8lb 1oz whopper is a cutie!!!
Noah wasnt' too sure what to think of his new cousin...

Proud Auntie!

Proud Uncle!!

Hey, this being born stuff is tough work...I need a nap...

Brooke & Madelyn Brooke
Blowing bubbles

"Gramma's" turn

Humm...let me think on that a minute...

Proud Daddy!

Beautiful Family