Thursday, June 23, 2011

2 Year Re-cap...

Let me start this blog by giving props to my inspiration...Lynzie Camilleri - Yes- Lynzie...I'm finally a blogger! Thank you so much for always inspiring me! You are an amazing, strong, beautiful woman and the bestest friend any one could ever ask for!  I love you SO much!

I can't believe it has been two whole years!  It seems like just yesterday I looked into the eyes of my adorable son for the very first time.  It was a moment that changed my life forever. Now...I am a Mom of a 2 year old! How did this happen?

He was the most beautiful baby I had ever seem and still is! I remember saying to his Daddy "Oh my Gosh his butt is so little! " He was quite the peanut - tipping the scales at 5 lbs 14 oz...Worth every moment of the 19 hours I was in labor!

A few pictures of our journey these last two years:

Now...a big 2 year old!  I just can't believe how quickly that time flys.

Noah's second birthday was amazing. He had friends and family drive from all over the state of Florida for his train themed birthday party to celebrate...He even had his Aunt Julia, cousin Brandon and Cousin Addison fly here from Vegas...and His Aunt Danielle and Aunt Michelle fly from Arizona.  He is such a loved little boy.  We are so blessed to have the family and friends that we have.

Choo Choo! Welcome to the party!

Gary & Callie


Aunt Julia & Angel

Uncle Justin

Aunt Robin, Uncle Tim & "Gramma"

Our neighbors "Epes" (Eve) & Jack

Cousin Ayden & Uncle Mark

Aunt Jenni

"Lisha" (Alicia) & Jason


Aunt Julia & Poppy

Cousin Shelby, Kyle & Aunt Dawn

Aunt Michelle & Danielle

Checking out the party favors with Cousin Brandon

Cousin Addison & Grandma

It seem sureal that my little man is 2.