Monday, November 21, 2011

Best Friends

Everyone that knows Ryan and I knows that Remmy was our first dog child.  He has been spoiled to no end, sleeps with us every night...He is our little king - Well, until we had Noah. Now hes moved to the number 2 slot. Noah is King, Remmy is the prince. LOL.  I still remember the first night home with Noah...Remmy didn't know what to think. He knew something was different and would come up to me and just lay practically on top of me cuddling...He would go right up to Noah and sniff his face. He was so sweet.  When I would put Noah in his swing...Remmy would lay underneath it. You could tell this was going to be a sweet and everlasting relationship...

(DISCLAIMER:  Objects in pictures appear sweeter then normal. This particular 2 year old has been know to chase Remmy around with a stick swinging at him giggling hysterically while dog shakes with tremors from fear)


Monday, November 7, 2011

Farewell USS Ponce

We found out from Ryan's Mom, Kathy (Have to give her MAJOR props) that Ryan's Naval ship, the USS PONCE would be doing a final tour of the ship in Cape Canaveral before decommission in March. Obviously we changed all previous plans to make sure that we didn't miss seeing it!  The USS Ponce was Ryan's home for several years in the Navy. He visited numerous countries on the big grey beauty and it was amazing to actually see where so many of Ryan's memories were made. Honestly, I felt honored to be able to walk on to this ship...a moment that was quite surreal. I'm glad that myself and Noah could be apart of it before it's decommissioned. I know that to Ryan it was also a very special moment for him to be able to show his wife and son a huge part of his once life. 

About to board. As you can see...Noah is so excited he can't take his eyes of the ship!

There she is!

Checking out one of the Marine vehicles used in combat. And YES, this actual vehicle was used in Iraq and Afghanistan combat along with many others places.

Walking through the very small hallways.  All of the stairs were VERY steep. Not easy to climb...and the sailors would practically run up them!

Where Ryan ate many many meals at!

It was VERY windy as you can see. But, this is the main flight deck where Ryan spent most of his working days on the ship.

Proud to be an American!

Taking a break...

This is where the magic happens...The captains "office."

All of the metals the USS Ponce has recieved.

Ryan's old hang out, hiding spot office.

Ryan spent many days shining this bell! LOL

Checking out Daddy's hat


Boasman East, One of Ryans X - Co-workers on the ship. 

Farewell USS Ponce

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Home Sweet Home

YEAH! We closed on our new home earlier this week.  We have a lot of work(painting, fixing, cleaning) ahead of us...but we know it will be totally worth it! We hope to move in by the end of the year. Let the fun begin!!!

Julia McPherson -Hands down, best realtor EVER!

Home Sweet Home

The beautiful new backyard!

The not so beautiful half-bath down stairs

Notice the wallpaper??? UGHHH

Border??? Uggh

Noah snoozing in our new living room

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom closet

Master Bathroom

Master Bath

Pretty in Pink spare bathroom

Noah's room

Spare room

Spare room "nook"

Hallway "nook"

It's border removal time...Can you see the excitement in his face?

Noah listening to the airplanes at the Ocala airport

Yucky border...