Monday, November 21, 2011

Best Friends

Everyone that knows Ryan and I knows that Remmy was our first dog child.  He has been spoiled to no end, sleeps with us every night...He is our little king - Well, until we had Noah. Now hes moved to the number 2 slot. Noah is King, Remmy is the prince. LOL.  I still remember the first night home with Noah...Remmy didn't know what to think. He knew something was different and would come up to me and just lay practically on top of me cuddling...He would go right up to Noah and sniff his face. He was so sweet.  When I would put Noah in his swing...Remmy would lay underneath it. You could tell this was going to be a sweet and everlasting relationship...

(DISCLAIMER:  Objects in pictures appear sweeter then normal. This particular 2 year old has been know to chase Remmy around with a stick swinging at him giggling hysterically while dog shakes with tremors from fear)


1 comment:

  1. Hhhaaa! This is so great! I have pics of Lucy and Evan sleeping on the couch when E first got home from the hospital. Gotta love boys and their doggies!!! So adorable! love all the pics!
